Is Your Mind Chatter Conscious and Positive?

Today is a beautiful day and I am going to have a perfect day full of vigor and enthusiasm. This is one of the affirmations I usually tell myself as I open my eyes to welcome another day. I am a great addict of positive affirmations and each day is filled with many more such affirmations. I have seen, tested, felt and experienced the magic of positive mind chatter and how it could help balance your inner and outer focus. Affirmations are what we do all the time but most of them are unconscious responses. We eat the food we desire and wear the clothes we lie. We are unconsciously manifesting our affirmations of I like to eat … and I like this dress. The real magic begins to manifest in your life when you add the nutrient of conscious awareness to your affirmations. Watch out what did you affirm unconsciously today by evaluating your behaviours and actions as well as the judgements or beliefs you hold within yourself.This is a good starting point to start a great friendship with yourself and seek your divine right to stay healthy inside out. Try it and don’t resist if you see shadow side of yourself along with your virtues because shadows are the pathways that show us the light of virtues when we create an intention to make such sacred connection. Consciously affirm what you want changed in your life by creating a positive statement of what you want to experience instead.

Developing Emotional Awareness

Cleansing a greased utensil requires a a great deal of effort and we are well aware of the fact that if we fail to remove the oil from the utensil with cold water, we must bring to use the hot water. We are well aware of the external things and how to keep them clean if they look dirty. Do we ever make the same conscientious effort to create awareness of our emotional patterns? We dig and dig deep into the things that are completely unrelated to our personal lives and spend many hours talking of things and people that have practically no relationship to make a sensible difference in our lives. We are simply unaware of our own energy flow and lack of this awareness sets our life into a kind of pattern that feels familiar and so gives a sense of security and pleasure. We go through ups and downs like the waves of the ocean but fail to see from the distance the pattern of rising and falling that  only a distant observer standing away from the ocean can see.

Creating emotional awareness is like setting a intention to be a distant observer who can see with complete clarity the rising and falling of the emotional waves that make or break our day. Developing emotional awareness is a skill and once we make make up our mind to focus on the emotions we create and relate to different situations and people, we are taking a step in the direction called self development.

Awareness Tip of the Day

Develop the habit of maintaining silence at the end of  the day for 5 minutes and observe how you felt during the day; focus on how your emotions fluctuated like the voltage of a bulb. This will make you aware of some of your  patterns.

Familiar Patterns vs Unfamiliar Patterns

We all want to stick with our habitual patterns since they seem to offer a sense of security and comfort. Treading the unfamiliar zone is always a scary thought. However, these habitual patterns do not  always have the power to give us what we secretly want.

At the same time, we are are not aware of the the block in our awareness  that stops us from attaining what we want. Getting to know ourself better and better with each passing day is a practice that helps to expand our horizons. This practice does involve a great deal of honesty and courage to dig into patterns we display that emanate negative thought for people, situations or for our own selves. Blaming and complaining are the most common collective consciousness patterns that we display from time to time. When we are doing so, we are completely unaware of the abundance of positive vibrations available and that we could learn to tune to for better health and well being. The experience of tuning into positive thought vibrations is indeed a gift you can give to yourself and learn more about the positive energy around you that is lying dormant.

Awareness Tip of the Day:

  1. Think of one habit of others that displeases you.
  2. Think if somewhere you also display that habit.
  3. Think why that habit has the power to displease you.
  4. The answer will at least make you aware of something you need to eliminate from your life.