Is Your Mind Chatter Conscious and Positive?

Today is a beautiful day and I am going to have a perfect day full of vigor and enthusiasm. This is one of the affirmations I usually tell myself as I open my eyes to welcome another day. I am a great addict of positive affirmations and each day is filled with many more such affirmations. I have seen, tested, felt and experienced the magic of positive mind chatter and how it could help balance your inner and outer focus. Affirmations are what we do all the time but most of them are unconscious responses. We eat the food we desire and wear the clothes we lie. We are unconsciously manifesting our affirmations of I like to eat … and I like this dress. The real magic begins to manifest in your life when you add the nutrient of conscious awareness to your affirmations. Watch out what did you affirm unconsciously today by evaluating your behaviours and actions as well as the judgements or beliefs you hold within yourself.This is a good starting point to start a great friendship with yourself and seek your divine right to stay healthy inside out. Try it and don’t resist if you see shadow side of yourself along with your virtues because shadows are the pathways that show us the light of virtues when we create an intention to make such sacred connection. Consciously affirm what you want changed in your life by creating a positive statement of what you want to experience instead.

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