Familiar Patterns vs Unfamiliar Patterns

We all want to stick with our habitual patterns since they seem to offer a sense of security and comfort. Treading the unfamiliar zone is always a scary thought. However, these habitual patterns do not  always have the power to give us what we secretly want.

At the same time, we are are not aware of the the block in our awareness  that stops us from attaining what we want. Getting to know ourself better and better with each passing day is a practice that helps to expand our horizons. This practice does involve a great deal of honesty and courage to dig into patterns we display that emanate negative thought for people, situations or for our own selves. Blaming and complaining are the most common collective consciousness patterns that we display from time to time. When we are doing so, we are completely unaware of the abundance of positive vibrations available and that we could learn to tune to for better health and well being. The experience of tuning into positive thought vibrations is indeed a gift you can give to yourself and learn more about the positive energy around you that is lying dormant.

Awareness Tip of the Day:

  1. Think of one habit of others that displeases you.
  2. Think if somewhere you also display that habit.
  3. Think why that habit has the power to displease you.
  4. The answer will at least make you aware of something you need to eliminate from your life.

Learning to Look at Patterns

There is a pattern in everything from the rhythmic cycle of nature to the behaviors we display. However, we are either not ready or eager or aware when we fail to see these patterns in our life. Making a habit to search for these patterns within us is something that interests me a lot. This enjoyment makes me take my attention away from the external objects that our mind constantly feeds on and develop that intimate time to look and connect within. I find it a really sacred space since it reveals to me the secrets that were lying unlocked for years and helps to connect with the power to transform through awareness.

I have certainly gone forward in this journey as I see myself becoming aware and breaking free from the habitual patterns that were nowhere near to help me move forward on the spiritual plane. As I advance in this journey, I find my space of happiness growing and expanding and a sense of true freedom emerging.  A lot of mental patterns in our daily life enslave us since they demand fulfillment and if they are not fulfilled, we are led into frustration, depression, anger or simply resentment. It’s not easy to develop this habit unless we set an intention and then take an action through persistence to achieve it. Once this is done, we are led into a region of inspiration that becomes visible only when we learn to close our eyes to look within and then we come across the goddess of freedom that rejoices in letting go and loving the process in whatever we do.