Familiar Patterns vs Unfamiliar Patterns

We all want to stick with our habitual patterns since they seem to offer a sense of security and comfort. Treading the unfamiliar zone is always a scary thought. However, these habitual patterns do not  always have the power to give us what we secretly want.

At the same time, we are are not aware of the the block in our awareness  that stops us from attaining what we want. Getting to know ourself better and better with each passing day is a practice that helps to expand our horizons. This practice does involve a great deal of honesty and courage to dig into patterns we display that emanate negative thought for people, situations or for our own selves. Blaming and complaining are the most common collective consciousness patterns that we display from time to time. When we are doing so, we are completely unaware of the abundance of positive vibrations available and that we could learn to tune to for better health and well being. The experience of tuning into positive thought vibrations is indeed a gift you can give to yourself and learn more about the positive energy around you that is lying dormant.

Awareness Tip of the Day:

  1. Think of one habit of others that displeases you.
  2. Think if somewhere you also display that habit.
  3. Think why that habit has the power to displease you.
  4. The answer will at least make you aware of something you need to eliminate from your life.

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