Clearing Negativity

The vibration of thought can either be negative or positive and how we process our thoughts is greatly the result of how we have been taught to do so since we were children. The filters we use to sense information through our five senses are conditioned based upon our upbringing, personal experiences, beliefs and values. However, majority of the  beliefs are grounded in negative unconscious patterns of survival consciousness resulting in insecurity and separation from others around us. This is to say that negativity is quite prevalent in our consciousness and our purpose is to align ourselves to our natural vibration of peace and joy through identifying and clearing all the stored negative patterns. It is a life long process but it must first begin at some point of our life. Our truth is different from what we want to believe under the guise of limited ego identy. We are much more than our name, family and career. We are  part of the Universal Consciousness that can be called God Consciousness as well. Our consciousness  begins to evolve as we create an intention to clear negative belief patterns step by step and embark on the process through focusing on our thoughts and feelings with conscious awareness. Conscious awareness is the skill of witnessing or paying intentional attention to the thoughts you think throughout the day voluntarily or involuntarily. Developing the habit of discriminating which thoughts cause discomfort and separate you from others in the form of blaming, resentment, jealousy, comparison or anger will allow you to go deeper within your being to inquire more about the roots of these issues. The consistent practice is needed to develop this habit to curb the influx of negative thoughts through conscious identification and reflective  inquiry. Once you are hooked onto this and are successful in creating an inner compass to separate negative from positive, you can further expand your consciousness by  replacing those patterns with more conscious positive thought patterns that allow you to be kind towards your self and others. Clearing your mind of doubt, fear and insecurity is essential to feel the flavor of true joy and liberation.

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